Who is one of your favorite characters? | a conversation with some of my favorite bloggers

Hi friends, and happy Wednesday!

One of my favorite parts about book blogging, and forever will be, is connecting with other readers and gushing about some of our favorite fictional people and storiesas I’m sure a lot of you can relate. In the book blogging community, when I ramble about why this certain character stole my heart and why I would do anything to protect this fictional person who (let’s face it) isn’t real, I’m not met with confused looks and awkwardly polite laughs and nodding heads, but rather “Oh my gosh. RIGHT?!? And that one part where the villain got a little too close for my comfort almost ended me right then and there!!”

I could talk about my favorite characters for hours, as if my life depends on it. Fictional characters always find a way to weasel themselves into our hearts, whether we invite them or not, and refuse to leave. It’s as if we have to scream from the rooftops so that everyone can hear about how fantastic they are.

Okay. So maybe that’s a bit of an overstatement and a tad dramatic, but I really am a big believer in that our favorite characters shape who we are. We either find this wonderful fictional human through a childhood favorite or a recent read; maybe we related to them in ways we haven’t related with anyone else, fictional or not, before; or maybe, just maybe, that character made us laugh when we needed it the most.

In the past, I’ve had the amazing opportunity to collaborate with some of my favorite book bloggers on questions like “Why is your favorite book your favorite?” and “Who is your favorite villain?” It only seemed fair to ask, “Who is one of your favorite characters?”

Personally, I could easily gush about Liam Michael Stewart from the Darkest Minds series for pages upon pages; it certainly wouldn’t be my first time doing so (in fact, you can read about why I love the Darkest Minds series so much here!). Or, I could ramble on about Nina Zenik from the Six of Crows duology and why her characterization and personality is so important to me.

But, instead of rehashing some of my usual favorites I’ve brought up countless times, I am more than willing and ecstatic to talk about one of my new favorites: Henry Strauss from The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue.

Henry is selfless, caring more about others than he could ever muster for himself. But, at the same time, the only thing he wants most in this world is to be liked by everyone. He spends his days working in a used bookstore, bundled up in dusty sweaters and keeping a close eye on the store cat. He’s a gentle listener, and always does what’s best for his friends—even if it’s the worst thing for him.

But, before I get too wrapped up in Henry Strauss (which is unavoidable, really), we have other fantastic characters to discuss!

Picking even just one of your favorite characters is no easy task, and I am so beyond thankful to each one of these bloggers for taking the time to be a part of this project. You guys are incredible! And please accept my apologies on the delay of this post!

Erin @ Rin’s Reads

A rather recent favorite of mine is Thomas Cresswell, from the Stalking Jack the Ripper series. I think part of the reason I loved him so much is because I was expecting something totally different, and was pleasantly surprised by him! Besides him being, you know, tall, dark and handsome, I really admired how he was able to show vulnerability towards those around him without feeling lesser because of it. The SJTR series is set back in the late 1800’s and has sort of a sub-plot around gender roles and how women and men are “supposed” to act in order to be accepted in society. It was refreshing to see a man who wasn’t afraid to, well, be afraid! His wit and one-liners also just had me cracking up – I can’t wait to reread this series and fall in love with him all over again!

Margaret @ Weird Zeal

Well, this is an impossible question to answer, and I probably changed my mind at least a half dozen times. But I’ve decided at last, and today I really just want to talk about Simon Spier from Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli.

The first time I met Simon, I was eighteen and couldn’t remember the last time I had truly loved a book. But I devoured his in less than a day over Thanksgiving break and thus discovered one of the best boys in the literary world. We’ve now gotten four books with Simon (if you include his tiny cameo in The Upside of Unrequited), and every time he shows up, I find myself smiling so hard.

Simon is an absolute sweetheart who is constantly, hilariously oblivious about what’s going on around him, while also having such a thoughtful and compassionate perspective on everything. I especially love reading his POV, since seeing the world through his eyes is so lovely. Plus, he’s SUCH a dork, and I think of him every time I use the word “freaking.” I just have so much love for this boy! I know there’s not going to be any more books in the Simonverse, which makes me sad because I miss him. But he’ll always have a little piece of my heart and be a safe place to return whenever I need him.

Sofii @ A Book. A Thought.

Choosing a favorite character is like choosing a fave among your children, right? so it’s super difficult! I always choose Magnus Bane from The Shadowhunters world, because I love him with my soul, but this time I want to make room for another of my babies and she’s Laia from An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir.

The reason why Laia is one of my favorites is because of her great growth throughout each book. I really like that she begins as an average girl who then must become strong and become a warrior for the love of her brother and her family. And then she gets super involved in a much bigger battle that involves an entire empire. I think she shows an incredible evolution of a character where we see her become a very powerful woman, with a lot of willpower, a lot of passion, and above all, a lot of bravery and courage—to be able to have a second chase in a violent world where war is the central point. I’m always very proud of her for all that she has been able to achieve with so few resources around her. She has experienced terrible losses, she has witnessed heartbreaking moments and has survived all of it, and above all, I admire how her experiences haven’t changed her empathy for others, which is great. She’s just AMAZING.

And I can’t help but suggest you read An Ember in the Ashes if you haven’t read it yet; it’s a WONDERFUL book, SO worth it. The fourth book in the series is released this December 1st, so it’s the perfect time to read it and be part of this super moving fantasy story full of amazing characters.

Cherelle @ Cherelle the Bibliophile

She is independent. She has all the sass. She is a mechanic. Her best friend is an android, and she is kind of a robot herself too.

She is Cinder, our favourite cyborg from The Lunar Chronicles.

Apart from Cinder’s sass with her witty comebacks, her courage and loyalty, why Cinder is one of those book characters I hold dear to my heart… is because of her vulnerability and how she deals with it.

As the story goes, Cinder submits to her stepmother, all her efforts channelled to allowing her stepmother and stepsisters to live a frivolous, pampered life… while she rots away at the side. Simply because she is 36% cyborg. And people have a huge prejudice towards cyborgs.

This is a huge factor in Cinder’s self-identity. At first, she was just a cyborg, a freak. Meant to be discriminated and be unnoticed. And then, she meets Prince Kaito. Thereafter, she discovers a life-changing truth about herself, an identity that came with huge responsibility and prominence. Throughout the series, Cinder’s struggle with all 3 juxtaposing identities is very real… she experiences many moments of self-doubt, many times of huge pressure and many instances of breaking down. How she deals with it, and harnesses the support of the people around her, and lives up to her role is just so empowering. This reason, among many others, tethered Cinder to my heart, being an inspiring character I look up to.

Another huge thank you to these amazing bloggers for taking the time out of their day to answer the impossible question I threw at them. I loved reading about each of your favorite characters and learning more about the why behind that choice—I am forever grateful to each of you!

So, what do you think? Who is one of your favorite characters? Why are they one of your favorites? Let’s chat!

15 thoughts on “Who is one of your favorite characters? | a conversation with some of my favorite bloggers

  1. I adore this post!! I haven’t actually read The Darkest Minds all the way through *gasp I know* but your answer is definitely making me want to pick up the series and ~hopefully~ fall in love with Liam as much as you did!! Also definitely agree that Henry Strauss is the best soft boy and deserves the world – Addie LaRue broke me!! Thank you so much for including me! ♥♥

    Liked by 1 person

    1. AH! I hope, if you do pick up the rest of the series, that you enjoy it! I’m very obviously biased about the story and characters, Liam in particular, but I’m excited to hear what you think! And right?! Henry really does deserve the world – I’m so happy you felt the same! And of course, Erin! Thanks for being a part of it! ❤️


  2. you: Liam Stewart
    me: pretends to be shocked

    Henry was one of the best things about Addie LaRue for me—he’s such a good boy! ❤ And I loved reading about everyone else’s favorites!! That description of Cinder just made me remember how much I love her too ❤

    Thanks so much once again for including me in this post, Lauren! I always have so much fun coming up with my answer and seeing what everyone else says 😀

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Liam Stewart who??

      He really was! Addie’s story was definitely interesting, but I do think Henry helped me push forward. And Cinder is incredible; I very much felt the same when reading the description.

      Of course, Margaret! Thank you so much for being a part of this! 💜


  3. This is such a cool post!! One of my favorite characters has to be Anne Shirley from Anne of Green Gables, she’s such a positive character and a great role model. I attended an online book event for Addie, and it was so interesting to hear V.E. Schwab’s thoughts on Henry, he seems like a cinnamon roll who must be protected!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Eleanor! These types of posts are definitely a lot of fun to work on. And Anne Shirley is an incredible choice! I will shamefully admit though, I haven’t actually read the book and have watched the newest series. Although, I really couldn’t agree with you more – even in the tv show she’s a great role model! And that’s so cool that you got to attend that online book event! Henry certainly deserves everything.

      Thanks so much, again! 💜

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Yes, Henry is just so sweet – my heart melts and breaks for him every time! Ahhh I have been meaning to read An Ember in the Ashes… love the description of her, especially the mention of growth which is something I love in characters…

    Thank you so much for involving me in this project, Lauren!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. He really is! And I’ve only read An Ember in the Ashes and haven’t finished the series yet, but even the character development in the one book is pretty fantastic. I hope you like it if you pick it up!

      Thanks so much for being a part of this, Cherelle! I really appreciate it! ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Happy December, Margaret! I’m so terribly to hear that November was the worst month of the year for you, and I certainly hope that turns around for the last month of the year and the months to follow. And not having a specific reason for a bad month can sometimes even make it worse because you don’t even know what to pinpoint as the problem and how to fix it. Nevertheless, I do hope life starts going your way (because you certainly deserve it!). Until then, you know where to find me and I am always, always here for you for absolutely anything ❤️

      Out of your three November books, I’ve actually only read The Scorpio Races, and “because November” is the absolute perfect reason to have reread the story this past month. And those November cakes will gladly wait for you until you’re ready – who says you need to eat November cakes in November??

      May I just say that 17K words in one month, no matter the original goal, is so unbelievably amazing?? I’m always so astounded by writers and their ability to craft fictional people and build whole worlds inside of their own brain and find the words to put all of that on paper. 17K words or 1 word, that hard work is so easily seen and that’s incredible. I know it’s hard to not beat yourself up about it, but you are simply amazing, my friend!! I also want to thank you for that John Mulaney thread, because that gave me an amount of serotonin I didn’t even know I needed.

      I’ve also been struggling with blog hopping (for a while now, but we won’t get into that). Just know, that both your blog and all of your supporters will be here for you whenever you need us! Again, it’s hard to not beat yourself about that kind of stuff, I know, but you’re totally okay – I promise. Thank you for being a part of my collaboration post (for being a part of all of them, really; I really do appreciate you taking the time to write something for a blog that isn’t even your own.

      I’m also hoping to read You Have A Match this month; I hope you enjoy it!

      You’re a wonderful person. This is a fantastic wrap-up. I hope December is the best yet. ❤️


  5. This was so interesting to see other’s favourite characters and I totally agree that it’s such a hard decision to make!! For me Simon is definitely on the leaderboard but I’d have to say mine is probably Kaz Brekker? I just love a morally grey character, although I could easily pick any of the crew from SoC!

    Liked by 1 person

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